Written by 1:20 am Agriculture

From an Engineer to an Organic Farmer : Mike Pedroso Farm

It is that moment when somebody has to choose a path when on a crossroad. And as for Mike Pedroso, an engineer by profession, who decided to get dirty as he chose to work on the soil than keep his engineering job back in 1999. From then on, Engr. Mike Pedroso never looked at any other profession than being a farmer.

After decades of learning about agriculture – the hard way – Mike Pedroso shares his insights to nearby farmers about organic agriculture. This was during OMRO’s KITS Journey held in his farm.

Mike Pedroso Farm, located at Kilometer 739 Diversion Highway Sitio Osog, Carayman, Calbayog, Samar, is an organic farm by “neglect” as the engineer calls it. Since, he had no time and money before to spend for farm workers and chemical inputs.

But perhaps, it was a blessing in disguise, since now, he is gearing towards organic agriculture. Thus, making him not treat his land anymore, unlike others who need to treat their land, shifting from chemical to organic farm.

Two hectares of his property is dedicated to numerous kinds of jackfruit, which is the primary product of the farm. Through the years, he and his farm have made name through jackfruits that landed him being an authority and author about it.

Through the years, it would have been an easier path for Engr. Pedroso, however, his farm was haunted by one big problem, adequate road from farm-to-road-to-market. It took many years until just recently, the 1-kilometer walk to his farm that took hours before, is now just minutes away.

And for Mike Pedroso, this is the break he has been waiting for a long time. Now his organic farm can very well meet the demands of transporting things in-and-out of his farm.

Engr. Pedroso is on a roll to convert his farm fully in the next two years to an agro-tourism site in Samar area. He has sectioned his property to accommodate different crops and facilities. Plus, he also plans to offer a healthy fitness track for runners so they can enjoy the fresh air and healthy meal afterwards.

As part of OMRO, he is one of the farmer-experts that go around Region 8 to help other farmers deal with their concerns. He teaches them what he has learned through the years in farming like what he does in his field, the integrated diversified organic farming.

In this method, he maximizes the utilization of the land by making sure that each section of his farm plays a role in making the farm sustainable on its own. Plants to be fed for animals. Animal wastes go to worms. Worm wastes go to fertilizers to plants. The cycle continues to produce non-chemically-induced produced for harvest.

  • Rice and Vegetable Farming
  • Cattle, Swine and Fowl
  • Fruit-bearing trees (Jackfruit mostly)
  • Vermicomposting
  • Plant Nursery

Agriculture is a very challenging industry to work on specially in the Philippines. That’s why it is an inspiration to see how an engineer like Mike Pedroso would choose to work laboriously on the land than be in the offices.

Maybe, just maybe, I think he found the importance of his role as a farmer to feed people like us, who are just waiting for crops to be harvested and be delivered to our homes. I just hope that he and his family reap the reward of their hard work.

Oh! By the way, their jackfruit jam is the best!

Km 739 Diversion Highway, Baraga Carayman
Calbayog, Samar, Philippines

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